Ranking of the Best Microphones to Buy This Year - English

If you are looking to buy a microphone, and you need to know which ones are the best microphones currently on the market, you have come to the right place. In microfonos.info we strive to give the most accurate information to our visitors getting so you can find the best product you are looking for.

To be able to help you effectively in your search, it is necessary for us to know what you need, but as unfortunately for now that is not possible, what we can do is give you all the available options of best microphones according to the type and the need that you may have, we will first consider what use will you give your microphone and what are the best prices you can get for each type.

On this website we dedicate a section to each type of microphone, showing you 4 great options to choose from, these 4 options, according to our research and study, represent the best for you.

… Microphones for singing live

If your intention is to get the best microphone to sing live, and that your voice sounds like Michael Jackson himself (if you are a man) or the incredible Adele (if you are a woman) I have irremediably to recommend the following:

4 Best Microphones to Sing Live

Maybe just looking at these images above it might not be clear which one of the microphones to choose, but don’t worry, we have prepared a complete post where we detail the characteristics of each of these microphones to sing live. So just click here to read it

... Microphones for the PC

You don’t have to have a super professional microphone to use on your PC, regularly on a PC you will only need a microphone to chat on Skype, Discord or any of those instant messaging applications, so the characteristics that a microphone for the PC or laptop must have are not that demanding.

Unless you are a professional youtuber, influencer, or a digital marketing expert who uses pc microphones to do live broadcasts, record videos, or do live shows, the pc microphones you will need are mid-range microphones, with not too many technical demands.

However, we will do our best to recommend the 4 best microphones on the market to use on your pc, so look at the table below and choose the one that best suits your needs and your budget:

4 Best Microphones for PC

As in the previous case, if even with these images you still have doubts about which PC microphone to choose, we have also prepared a special article where we detail each of the microphones on the list above and tell you which one to choose and why. Click here to read the article

... Microphones to record on YouTube

The microphones used for creating videos must have certain characteristics that will depend on the type of recording and type of video. A very clear example is the difference between the microphone that is needed to record a session in a closed environment, or a presentation, and the one that is needed for outdoor interviews.

4 Best Microphones to be a Youtuber

If you want to know more about the characteristics of our top of microphones for youtube, just click here

… Microphones for gamers

Most of the microphones featured here are of sufficient quality to be used not only in games, but also in podcasts, streaming or small recording studios. They are powerful and versatile solutions for gamers around the world and can be used for other purposes.

Ultimately, what you choose will depend entirely on your budget and whether your needs extend beyond gaming. Stay with us and we will tackle all these Microphones For Gamers, and its details. Our little list is not ordered by preference or anything like that. We present to you those that in our opinion are the best microphones for games and it’ll be up to you to verify which one adapts to what you are looking for.

3 Best Microphones for Gamers

Do you have questions or want to know the characteristics of each of the microphones for gamers that we present to you in this list? Then click here

… Microphones for acoustic guitar

Since acoustic guitars do not have a volume control to raise or lower the volume, it can be difficult to record every detail you play. This is where these microphones come in handy and can provide you with the best solution for recording your music. You can use other styles of microphones, but for durability and price, we recommend this list.

If you are like most people interested in audio, you probably dream of equipping a luxurious studio with the latest and greatest of sound systems. You probably dream with equipping your microphone lockers with a Neumann U87 and a AKG C414. Unfortunately, that is not always realistic.

For many of us, part of producing great audio is the challenge of finding hardware that gets the job done without wasting all of our funds. One of the most valuable tools in this regard is a versatile microphone that can handle a wide range of sources and is affordable.

4 Best Microphones for Acoustic Guitar

The characteristics of each of these guitar microphones are very well detailed with their advantages and disadvantages in this article.

… Microphones for children

By giving your children one of the best microphones for kids, you are opening a new world for them. Finding the right kids' microphone isn't easy, so you'll love this thorough revew. To simplify things for you, we have made these 3 choices, which we consider to be the best options.

We will also talk about what you should check for in the device when making your purchase. As well as clarify all the functions and characteristics that you really want on a microphone that can be used by your child, depending on the age.

3 Best Microphones for kids

No products found.

Read a detailed review of the best microphones for children to be even surer of what model to buy. You’ll find the detailed review at this link

... Radio microphones

For those of you who are interested in finding high-end microphones with professional sound, which are intended for high budgets and professional radio studios, we also have a selection available. The best radio microphones listed here are very good quality, with a varied price range, and will help you start any radio or podcast project you want to dive into.

4 Best Radio Microphones

We have a complete section where we specify everything you need to know before buying a microphone to make radio, I invite you to read it by clicking on this link

… Drum Microphones

Not all microphones are intended for the same purpose. For example, you may need a microphone to record and play live. Or record the drum kick, which you can never compare to recording the acoustic sound of a guitar. These features are not available on all microphones on the market. In conclusion, your choice must be the best, and to make a good decision you must be informed.

To accomplish that, we have compiled very important information you’ll need when buying drum microphones. Mainly, you will need a microphone capable of recording the different sounds that come out of this complex and beautiful instrument. We’ll give you some tips and advices, and of course our small list of what we consider to be the best drum microphone kits.

3 Best Microphone Kits for Playing Drums

In case you need to clarify doubts, we have dedicated a complete article where we detail he characteristics of each of the top 4 most recommended microphones for drums. Just click here to read it

... Microphones for karaoke

You don't have to be a professional singer to enjoy karaoke, one of the easiest and most fun ways to have fun at a party. Gather some of your bravest friends, pick a theme, and turn up the music for a night of laughter and fun. These days, all you need is a karaoke microphone and a computer, or even a smartphone, to create a fun party. And it's even better if you have your own personal karaoke microphone.

In this review we will tell you all about the 4 best karaoke microphones that you can currently get on the market. In addition, we will give you a practical guide so you can buy one being as informed as possible.

4 Best Microphones for Singing Karaoke

Put together your party, but first choose the best karaoke microphone after you read the technical specifications, advantages and disadvantages of each of the microphones on the list. Where to read it? In this article

… Microphones for cameras

Audio quality is critical when it comes to video production. Shotgun camera microphones are an easy way to improve audio quality when recording with a DSLR or digital video camera. Another benefit is that they do not have to be mounted on the camera; you can get an extension cable and mount them on a pole or tripod to bring the microphone closer to the subject. That is why our selection is oriented towards this type of microphones.

Read on for our comparison of the best shotgun camera microphones. Here we explain some basic concepts and what characteristics to look for in your preferred microphone.

4 Best Microphones for Cameras

You should know very well the characteristics of each one of these microphones before buying one, that's why we have prepared a complete article where we detail the pros and cons of each one, just click here to read it

... Violin microphones

Violin microphones can help amplify the sound when you perform on stage. They're also great for recording studios so you can isolate the sound of your instrument. While you can always use a violin pickup, violin microphones tend to capture a more natural violin sound.

4 Best Microphones for a Violin

Before choosing one blindly, it is necessary to first evaluate each one, its pros and cons, in addition to the price and characteristics. That is why I invite you to read our article where we tell you everything you need to know about the best violin microphones. Click here to see the article

... Mobile microphones

If you came to this page, you should already know that the original microphones integrated in your smartphone are not of the quality necessary to create semi-professional videos. Your mobile will be very practical and functional for almost everything you want, but to record audio, it will fall short; really short.

Fortunately for many, there are accessories to compensate for this lack of quality, and those are the special microphones you can connect to mobiles. These mobile microphones fulfill the function of receiving and recording high-quality sounds, while they can be connected directly to your phone without the need for auxiliary gadgets.

We present to you the 4 best mobile microphones that you can get on the market this year. We assure you that any of these choices will give you professional results in your audio recordings from your mobile.

4 Best Microphones for your Mobile

Perhaps with this comparative chart you are still not convinced of which microphone to choose, but don’t worry, we already thought about it, that is why we have prepared a complete article where we study in great detail each microphone recommended here to help you decide for the best microphone for what you are looking for. Wait no more and take a look at them at this link

... Microphones for saxophone

Most semi-professional or professional singers will have their personal vocal microphone, which they will always use in live concerts. They would never allow any random microphone to alter its performance and damage the sound of their voice as an instrument, plus, of course, some hygienic aspects.

For a musician who respects and loves what he does, the same case is presented. A musician will have one or more microphones that they consider the best to get the most out of their instrument. Whether it's technical expertise or other personal considerations, any respected musician will have his own microphones. And saxophonists do not escape this thought. It will be fair to say that of all the musicians, those who play wind instruments, such as the saxophone, are the pickier in this regard.

4 Best Microphones for a Saxophone

Which brand of microphones is the best?

This question could have many answers, since it will depend on the needs you have when choosing a good microphone. Now, if you want a neutral point of view and opinion from users and buyers of microphones, for us the Shure brand is the best brand of microphones. Not only for the quality of the materials used to manufacture its products, but also for its ability to make each microphone to adjust almost perfectly to the type of use it will be given. Plus, the guarantee they offer and the sound quality that is achieved with their microphones is one of the best available.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean that the other brands are not good, of course not, as we said before, the choice made is a very personal opinion. To us, as shure users, this is one of the best brands to buy. There may be different opinions so it may be that other brands are better for other types of microphones. As is the case with the Rode Microphones, which experts say are very good when it comes to microphones for musical instruments and podcast.

Which microphone should I buy then?

That answer depends on the use you will give it, so we cannot give you an exact model or brand, what we can do is to recommend some of the better options.

If you want a good microphone for your mobile and thus achieve a clean and high quality sound, we would prefer the Dayton Audio iMM-6, because it has all the characteristics that one can need in a smartphone microphone. But if your intention is to have the best microphone to sing, then buy the Sennheiser e 965, which is undoubtedly the best in its field.

And you, do you have a preferred microphone? Leave us your impressions in the comments.

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